Описание работы:
Иностранные языки
Английский язык
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ВУЗ (Город) в котором сдавалась работа:
Казанский Государственный Технический Университет им А.Н. Туполе (Набережные Челны)
I. Fill the gaps in these phone conversations with suitable words or phrases
II. Write down five words or expressions including the word 'phone' or 'telephone'
III. You are watching TV with a friend. What could you say in each of the situations below?
Look at the example first.
IV. You are watching TV with a friend. What could you say in each of the situations below?
Look at the example first.
V. Explain these headlines in your own words. Do not use the underlined words.
VI. Choose any newspaper ( It could be in your own language if you can’t find an English one) and complete the following sentences.
VII. Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common
"'computer' words and phrases.
VIII. Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common
"'computer' words and phrases.
IX. Write definitions explaining what jobs each of these people involved in the media do?
X. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with the most appropriate word from the opposite page
XI. Open the brackets using all types of conditional sentences
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